Project Fools

A dance project as a system in the Grid

Enter this digital world, where new options reveal themselves! Here the rebels of society break loose from within. Who are they and what is their true nature in the technology-driven world? There's only one rule in this game: "Keep going and when you stop... hit that reset button and start again." Remember, a real revolution has no script. This performance will premiere on April 25, 2025 in Maastheater, Rotterdam.

Project Fools is a daring exploration by Robin Nimanong, aka Lily, in collaboration with Ballroom artists Gato, Deion and Sugah. This dance performance delves into themes such as gender fluidity and queer liberation, and confronts a world of absurdism as the norm.

This social introspection is taken lightly, but with extreme care, into the world of Project Fools. Watch these alter egos navigate the cybergrid through a dynamic, interdisciplinary exploration of queerness. In collaboration with Guenter Råler for the visuals and music. And with Eva Marie-Louise for fashion. Together they unravel the binary into unexpected forms.

Maker en danskunstenaar Robin Nimanong aka Lily Sasuke

Dansartiesten Deion, Gato, Sugah

Visueel ontwerp & muziek Guenter Råler

Kostuums en mode-installatie Eva Marie-Louise

Aangepaste pakken Tan Gabe Swart

Video artiest en A.I Klaas Hendrik Hantschel

Artistieke coach Suzy Blok & Hildegard Draaijer

Dramaturgie Sophie Cohlen en Sara Europaeus

Creatief producent Athina Liakopoulou

Vooronderzoek ondersteund door FPK, WORM Rotterdam en ISH Dance Collective

Coproducenten ICK Amsterdam en DOX Utrecht

Poster Ayala Pavo

Queer jeugddansvoorstelling, 15+

Music Credit:

A.I. Text:

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